Monday, February 10, 2020

I am Writing a Book - Learn WinUI 3.0

Hello UWP developers!

I wanted to provide an update on this UWP Tips blog. Most of my focus this year is going to be on my new WinUI side project. I am writing a book for Packt Publishing titled Learn WinUI 3.0. The book is due out this fall. That will hopefully coincide with a final or near-final release of WinUI 3.0.

As I am working on the book, I plan to blog about my experience with WinUI 3.0 through its preview and beta stages this year. If you would like to follow along, I encourage you to follow my WinUI Tips blog. I will occasionally cross-post or create summary blog posts here to catch up with my UWP Tips followers. Your best bet to stay informed is to subscribe to both blogs (and WPF Tips, while you're at it).

If you have any suggestions for the book or things you would like to learn more about, don't hesitate to drop me a line on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Thanks for reading!
